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Temporal lobectomy has been used for many decades and usually involves the removal of the anterior and mediobasal temporal lobe, uncus, and basolateral amygdala. Selective amygdalo- and hippocampotomy is also used. A certain effect is given by stereotaxic bilateral amygdalotomy. Of the postoperative complications, the development of hemiparesis, aphasia, alexia, amaurosis, mnestic disorders, as well as the Klüver-Bucy syndrome (agnosia, increased oral activity, hypersexuality, loss of a sense of viagra and a sense of fear) is possible. According to the generalized data of the literature, the surgical treatment of temporal pylepsy in many cases is encouraging.
A significant decrease in seizures after surgery is achieved in 60-70% of patients, including their complete disappearance in 30-50% of cases. A number of patients have a positive effect of the operation on the intellectual-mnestic functions with an improvement in their social adaptation.
Causes of viagra lobe epilepsy Classification of temporal lobe epilepsy Symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy Diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy Treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy Prognosis of temporal lobe epilepsy Prices for treatment.
Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common form of epilepsy. It occupies almost 25% of cases of epilepsy in general and up to 60% of cases of symptomatic epilepsy.
It should be noted that the clinical picture of temporal lobe epilepsy does not always indicate the location of the epileptogenic focus in the temporal lobe of the brain.
There are cases when a pathological discharge radiates to the temporal lobe from a focus located in other areas of the brain.
The study of temporal lobe epilepsy began in the time of Sildenafil pills.
Temporal epilepsy under the influence of postnatal etiological factors can develop as a result of viagra online brain injury, neuroinfection (brucellosis, herpes infection, neurosyphilis, tick-borne encephalitis, purulent meningitis, Japanese mosquito encephalitis, post-vaccination encephalomyelitis), hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke.
In half of the cases, temporal lobe epilepsy is observed against the background of medial (mesial) temporal sclerosis. However, there is still no unequivocal answer to the question of whether medial temporal sclerosis is the cause of temporal lobe epilepsy or it develops as a consequence of it, especially with a long duration of epileptic seizures.
Depending on the etiology, temporal lobe epilepsy debuts in a different age range. For patients in whom temporal lobe epilepsy is combined with medial temporal sclerosis, the onset of the disease is typical with atypical febrile seizures that appear in childhood (most often from 6 months to 6 years). Then, within 2-5 years, there is a spontaneous remission of temporal lobe epilepsy, after which psychomotor afebrile seizures occur.
Simple seizures are notable for the preservation of consciousness and often precede the SPP or CAP in the form of an aura. By their nature, one can judge the location of the focus of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Motor simple seizures are manifested as a turn of viagra and eyes in the direction of the localization of the epileptic focus, a fixed installation of the hand, less often the foot. Sensory simple seizures can occur in the form of taste or olfactory paroxysms, auditory and visual hallucinations, attacks of systemic dizziness.
There may be attacks of vestibular ataxia, which are often combined with the illusion of a change in the surrounding space. In some cases, temporal lobe epilepsy is accompanied by cardiac, epigastric and respiratory somatosensory paroxysms. In such cases, patients complain of a feeling of compression or fullness in the region of the heart, abdominal pain, nausea, heartburn, a feeling of a lump in the throat, an asthma attack. Perhaps the appearance of arrhythmias, vegetative reactions (chills, hyperhidrosis, pallor, a feeling of heat), feelings of fear.
Complex partial seizures are turning off consciousness with a lack of viagra to external stimuli. With temporal lobe epilepsy, such seizures can occur with a stop in motor activity (the patient seems to freeze in place), without stopping and with a slow fall, which is not accompanied by convulsions.